Hundred Islands National Park
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Hundred Islands National Park is located in the northern Philippines in the province of Pangasinan. There are 124 pristine coral reef islands scattered across an area of 7.12 square miles (18.44 sq km).
The islands feature a coral reef foundation with the above ground cliffs being comprised of limestone. Vegetation is plentiful and covers the majority of the islands in full. Only some of the islands feature beaches and the level of the tide may determine if they are accessible or not.
The majority of wildlife is accounted for by the species below the ocean waters or up in the sky. Some of the bird species include grey-backed tailorbird, lemon-throated warbler, Philippine Bulbul, Philippine Coucal, Philippine duck, Philippine hawk-cuckoo, and the white-eared brown-dove.
Governor Island and Quezon Island are two of the islands that have been developed for tourism. Visitors can kayak around the islands or zip line overhead for two different perspectives. Scuba diving is also offered to explore the pristine waters and the coral reefs around the islands.
An aerial view of the hundred islands is a highlight showing the expanse of these coral reef landscape. To really enjoy the highlights of these islands you need to engage the different views from above, kayaking around, and snorkeling or scuba-diving below. It is only three these collective experiences that you can truly appreciate the splendor of this national park.
Things To Do:
The majority of activities are geared at exploring the islands. Whether out on the water, underneath the water, or walking around the islands, it is about experiencing the different perspectives of the islands.

Snorkeling is available on Governor's Islands and Quezon Island. You can also boat out and snorkel around some of the other islands as well.

Scuba Diving
Scuba diving is available on Governor's Islands and Quezon Island. This is a little more adventurous than snorkeling and allows you to explore beneath the ocean waves a little more intimately.
You can rent kayaks and explore the waters around the islands giving you a unique look of the different islands while also getting in some exercise at the same time.
Hundred Islands National Park Trails
The national park is really not a hiking destination. However, the four islands developed for tourism do have plenty of places you can walk around to explore the islands. There is a short hike to the top of Governor Island that features a platform with panoramic views out over the islands. Some of the other islands have beaches you can walk on which are accessible by boat tours.
Guides & Services
Park Protection
Hundred Islands National Park was created to protect the pristine wilderness found in the coral reef created islands in northern Philippines. The protection extends to the diversity of wildlife found in the bird and aquatic species that live amongst the islands. Only four of the islands have been developed for tourism keeping the remaining islands in their natural state.
Hundred Islands Highlights
- Over 100 pristine coral reef islands
- Only 4 developed for tourism
Park Map
- Alaminos City, Hundred Islands National Park, http://www.alaminoscity.gov.ph/ecological-profile/content/chapter2/hundred_islands_national_park.html, retrieved September 2021.
- Republic of the Philippines, Hundred Islands National Park, https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1135392, retrieved September 2021.
- The Happy Trip, Hundred Islands Pangasinan, https://thehappytrip.com/2019/10/hundred-islands-pangasinan-tour-travel-guide/, retrieved September 2021.
- The Pinay Solo Backpacker, Hundred Islands National Park, https://www.thepinaysolobackpacker.com/hundred-islands/, retrieved September 2021.
- Wikipedia, Hundred Islands National Park, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundred_Islands_National_Park, retrieved September 2021.