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Thayatal National Park is located on the eastern side of Austria along the northern border shared with the Czech Republic. The park covers an area of 5.02 square miles (13 sq km) making it the smallest of Austria’s national parks.
This protected area is also known as the Thaya Valley National Park, and then sometimes it is combined with the neighboring Podyji National Park in the Czech Republic and referred to as the Thayatal-Podyji National Park.
The heart of the national park lies in the Thaya Valley where the Thaya River features gneiss slopes alongside the riverbanks. In some cases, the slopes are quite steep, and even near-vertical rock faces.
The vegetation includes forested banks along with variegated iris, yellow lady’s slipper, Turk’s-cap lily, and the Cornelian cherry. All but about 10% of the park is blanketed with forests comprised of conifers, red pines, fir, and junipers. Some of the vegetation is endangered increasing the value of the protected area.
The ecosystem is not known for its wildlife. The wild cat is shy and elusive; however, it is one of the coveted animal sightings. The black stork is one of the more popular bird species that may be seen. The European otter is a fun sighting playing in or along the river.
The national park is the smallest protected area in Austria and subsequently leaves little room for many highlights. The focal point of the national park is the Thaya River running through the Thaya Valley.
Thaya River
The Thaya River stretches well outside the borders of the national park covering a distance of 139 miles (224 km). There are two river sources combining to create the larger Thaya River. The German Thaya and the Moravian Thaya. This extends the length of the river to 200 miles (322 km).
Thayatal National Park Trails
Thayatal features a series of hiking trails for exploring its diversity while also providing access to the cross-border hiking trails that allow you to also visit Podyji National Park in the Czech Republic.
Park Protection
Thayatal National Park was created to protect the Thaya River and Thaya Valley which features the unique gneiss rock formations and slope of the riverbank. It is an incredibly picturesque part of the river which is jointly protected on the Czech Republic side of the border.
Although the park is small and not known for wildlife, it is home to a number of endangered species in both the flora and fauna categories. The national park reflects the country's commitment to protecting these endangered species while also providing protection on the scenic landscapes and cultural heritage found in the area.
Thayatal Highlights
- Thaya River
- Endangered flora and fauna
- Cultural heritage
Park Map
- All Trails, Best Trails In Thayatal National Park, https://www.alltrails.com/parks/austria/lower-austria/nationalpark-thayatal, retrieved September 2020.
- Austria Direct, The Thaya Valley National Park, https://www.austriadirect.com/thayatal-national-park/, retrieved September 2020.
- Interreg Central, Thayatal National Park, https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/Thayatal-National-Park.html, retrieved September 2020.
- Lower Austria, Thay Valley National Park, https://www.lower-austria.info/thaya-valley-national-park, retrieved September 2020.
- National Park Thayatal, Park Site, https://www.np-thayatal.at/en/pages/default.aspx, retrieved September 2020.
- National Parks Austria, Thayatal National Park, https://www.waldviertel.at/en/national-park, retrieved September 2020.
- Wald Viertel, Thaya Valley National Park, https://www.waldviertel.at/en/national-park, retrieved September 2020.