El Palmar National Park
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El Palmar National Park is located along the northwester border of Argentina and Uruguay. The national park encompasses an area of only 33 square miles (85 sq km) creating the 5th smallest national park in the country.
The yatay palm trees lie at the heart of the national park's savanna ecosystem. Along with the palm trees dispersed across the terrain, the landscape feature grasslands, small woods and forests. The terrain has limited elevation change with a variety of streams meandering across the park flowing into the Uruguay River.
The park is not known for wildlife, but there are chances to see foxes, capybaras, and the rabbit like visachas. The nandus resemble smaller ostrich and are often enjoyed by visitors who see these unique creatures. A small variety of birds are found nesting or migrating through the park with woodpeckers being some of the favorite sightings by bird-lovers.
Visitors may also want to explore the historical culture located in the Barquin Calera Ruins along the banks of the river.
The endless landscape of palm trees is the primary attraction of the protected area. However, the highlight for most occurs when the trees and setting sun serve as a stunning canvas of beauty. The palm trees seem to be infinite in number and often leave viewers bewildered by their numbers.
Barquin Calera Ruins
Some find the historical ruins located along the river to be a taste of history and a highlight for the archealogical enthusiasts. These ruins represent one of the oldest settlements in the province that was orignally established as a place to mine organogenic limestone deposits.
The parks featurs a variety of places where visitors can take a dip and enjoy the water.
Visitors will find a variety of trails that welcoming biking to explore the park's terrain.
El Palmar National Park Trails
Hiking and biking are two of the more popular activities associated with the park. There are several trails that create a great opportunity for exploring the beauty of the yatay palm trees.
Park Protection
El Palmar National Park was established to protect the yatay palm trees of this savanna ecosystem. Along with trees, the park also protects the habitat for the species who do call the region home.
El Palmar Highlights
- Yatay Palm Trees
- Uruguay River
- Barquin Calera Ruins
Park Map
- All Trails, Best Trails in El Palmar National Park, https://www.alltrails.com/parks/argentina/entre-rios/parque-nacional-el-palmar, retrieved January 2022.
- Embark, El Palmar National Park, https://www.embark.org/argentina/buenos-aires/activity-type/adventures/el-palmar-national-park, retrieved January 2022.
- Lonely Planet, Parque Nacional El Palmar, https://www.lonelyplanet.com/argentina/along-the-rio-uruguay/attractions/parque-nacional-el-palmar/a/poi-sig/503230/1326516, retrieved January 2022.
- Trekking Chile, Nature Paradise Argentina - El Palmar National Park, https://www.trekkingchile.com/en/2018/12/10/nature-paradise-argentina-nationalpark-el-palmar/, retrieved January 2022.
- Welcome Argentina, El Palmar National Park, https://www.welcomeargentina.com/colon/el-palmar-national-park.html, retrieved January 2022.